
Indigestion Natural Remedies

You will find indigestion natural remedies in this article. When you don’t digest food well, you will have indigestion. Symptoms of indigestion include gas, bloating, and maybe even heartburn; the food just doesn’t go down well.

Indigestion is a really a symptom of stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, large or small intestine imbalances. Causes are improper food choices, over eating, eating too late, or, foods eaten are too cold, too hot, or too spicy.

Modern medicine treats indigestion as a bit of a mystery, regularly blaming indigestion on too much stomach acid (when other tests come up negative). To “control” the acid they prescribe acid blockers which contribute to osteoporosis, immune dysfunction, digestive imbalances, improper breakdown of amino acids, anemia and more.

From the natural perspective indigestion is usually sluggish digestion, and, looking at a wider spectrum, may also be from holding anger in the stomach. What can’t you digest in your life?

Natural treatments can reverse most symptoms of indigestion to restore emotional and digestive balance. When you change your diet and use herbs, they are only needed for a few weeks to months for a chronic problem. Herbs, cell salts, or homeopathic remedies may also be valuable for an occasional indigestion quick fix.

Eat smaller meals; monitor what works for you as well as not eating after 8:00 pm. It is important to remove tobacco, alcohol, coffee, black tea, and fast foods from your diet.

A great supplement for indigestion is DGL (Deglycerized licorice) as it acts to soothe indigestion from an inflamed or ulcerated stomach.

Natural Healing Protocol — First, choose an herb. Then add a cell salt or cell salt solution. Finally, choose the homeopathic remedy that fits your situation best. Combining supplements will do more to support your body’s ability to function properly than using just one. Your ability to heal will depend on the severity and length of time symptoms have been present.

Herbs for Indigestion

Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties.

Chamomile helps stimulate weak digestion; breaks up gas and bloating.

Ginger (fresh works best) helps indigestion without overheating the body; dried ginger in small quantities will work short term.

Licorice in small amounts is soothing, coating, and helps with ulcers.

Marshmallow is used for indigestion, heartburn, or an overactive stomach, is soothing and cooling.

Fennel is warming for a sluggish digestion with gas and bloating, and for a cold person.

Cell Salts to Help with Indigestion

To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16- to 24-ounce bottle; fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#2 Calc phos 6X – digestive support, to normalize stomach acid
#6 Kali phos 6X – nervous indigestion
#9 Nat mur 6X – digestive support, improves correct stomach acid
#11 Nat sulph 6X – liver support, indigestion with bad smelling gas

Indigestion Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies.

Antimonium crud – overeating rich foods, pastries; white coated tongue; worse by sour foods, citrus, vinegar; eructation; bad smelling belching; irritable, sentimental; nausea, vomiting – if Ipecacuahna fails.

Carbo veg – indigestion, gas from fatty greasy foods; epigastric (upper abdomen) pain; trapped gas pain better by belching, especially after surgery (also use Arnica); belching with bad taste in mouth; burning; reflux- painful gas.

Cinchona – liver digestive; spleen; gas and bloating; drum-tight resonant bloating; worse fruit, tea, milk; fermentation then acid belching; painful, easily feeling full; eats small amounts; hypersensitivity of abdomen-child screams; diarrhea from indigestion; gas stench; bitter taste; no relief from belching.

Hydrastis – bitter taste in mouth; empty feeling in upper abdomen; mucus in stools; yellow tongue; yellow discharge; yellow thick stringy, ropy; vomit yellow mucus.

Ipecacuahna – indigestion similar to Pulsatilla – thirstless, better in fresh air; worse greasy fatty fried foods; nausea, vomiting; greater intensity nausea where vomiting doesn’t relieve; no hunger; tongue clean and shiny; dragged down sensation; stomach is sunken (deathly nauseated with a sinking feeling; shuttering with nausea.

Lycopodium – indigestion from flatulent foods (beans, cabbage, etc); gas, bloating, must loosen clothing; better passing gas, warm drinks; worse 4 – 8 pm; right sided; craving sweats; generalized heaviness; poor self esteem.

Nux vomica – indigestion from the typical American diet, spices, and stimulants (coffee, alcohol); as if a weight or stone in stomach one or two hours after eating; stomach cramps; irritable, hypersensitive; sleepy after meals; local heaviness.

Pulsatilla – thirstless indigestion worse from greasy fat foods; eats to excess to console emotions; craves butter, ice cream; indigestion to restless sleep and nightmares; better fresh air; cries easily fears to be a lone.

Sulphur – indigestion from sweets, spicy foods; thirsty; hypoglycemic; high blood pressure; feels hot; intellectual personality.