• Children

    Baby Colic Natural Remedies

    Colic for young babies includes painful indigestion. Symptoms of colic include gas, bloating and pain during and after feeding; spitting up may also be a sign of colic. Causes come from feeding baby the wrong type of formula or reaction to something in the formula; also reaction to mother’s milk when the mother is eating the wrong foods or is stressed. Colic also may happen when the child is stressed or is eating solid foods too early. Modern medicine uses acid-reducing medicines for colic which may make the body feel better but may be toxic or disrupt the digestion further. Naturally, the best thing to do is find the cause-usually…

  • Digestion

    Heartburn Natural Remedies

    Try these heartburn natural remedies. Your stomach has acid to help digest your food. Your stomach acid is very strong – the same acidity as battery acid. While the stomach can handle this, the more sensitive esophagus cannot. When the stomach sphincter is too weak, stomach acid regurgitates up into the esophagus, and causes a burning sensation called Heartburn. While occasional Heartburn is common, more frequent, ongoing Heartburn may be Acid Reflux, or GERD. Symptoms of Heartburn include burning chest pain, sour taste in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, belching, hoarseness, and sometimes breathing difficulties. Heartburn symptoms are worse from lying down or bending over. Heartburn may be caused by a…

  • Digestion

    Indigestion Natural Remedies

    You will find indigestion natural remedies in this article. When you don’t digest food well, you will have indigestion. Symptoms of indigestion include gas, bloating, and maybe even heartburn; the food just doesn’t go down well. Indigestion is a really a symptom of stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, large or small intestine imbalances. Causes are improper food choices, over eating, eating too late, or, foods eaten are too cold, too hot, or too spicy. Modern medicine treats indigestion as a bit of a mystery, regularly blaming indigestion on too much stomach acid (when other tests come up negative). To “control” the acid they prescribe acid blockers which contribute to osteoporosis, immune…