vertigo meniere's natural remedies

Vertigo and Meniere’s Disease Natural Remedies

Find in this article the vertigo and meniere’s disease natural remedies. Vertigo is sensation of objects moving and spinning around. It’s an inner ear disturbance involving the eyes or visual stimuli. Your inner ear’s function is for balance and perception for positioning.

Causes of vertigo are most commonly inflammation of inner ear parts, acoustic neuroma (nerve blockage), cerebral artery disease, spinal degeneration, high blood pressure, anemia, thyroid problems, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, hyperventilation syndrome, anxiety disorders, stroke, Parkinson’s, or Meniere’s syndrome.

Most common acute cause is inner ear inflammation (Labyrinthitis) and responds quickly to homeopathy. Acute vertigo is associated with upper respiratory infections and tinnitus (ear noises). Be aware that dizziness can also be a warning sign of heart attack, stroke, concussion, or brain damage.

Good Prognosis in short, Chronic with possible Hearing Loss

According to Dr. Robin Murphy, N.D., my mentor, if the episodes are short, the prognosis is good. If the episodes are long lasting it is usually neurological. In older women, it may be a sign of mini-strokes or TIA, or could be a sign of Meniere’s disease where there is an infection of the Eustachian canals. The chronic condition of Meniere’s syndrome has severe nausea, hearing loss, and tinnitus (ear noises), and may lead to total one-sided hearing loss. It may also be a sign of a tumor.

Modern medicine treats vertigo with anything from low-sodium diets and diuretics to nausea medicines, antidepressants, or surgery.

From the natural point of view, vertigo should be looked at as either a nerve problem, ear or Eustachian tube blockage, or kidney weakness. Using vertigo and meniere’s disease natural remedies can help support these systems.

Vertigo and Meniere’s disease natural remedies include feeding the nerves, reducing Eustachian tube mucus, and strengthening the kidneys. One of the best things you can do is go off dairy products as well as tobacco, alcohol, coffee, black tea, and soda pop. This will help keep the ears clear and functioning better.

See more ear issues, natural earache remedies, ear infection natural remedies, and hearing loss natural remedies.

Natural Healing Protocol — First, choose an herb. Then add a cell salt or cell salt solution. Finally, choose the homeopathic remedy that fits your situation best. Combining supplements will do more to support your body’s ability to function properly than using just one. Your ability to heal will depend on the severity and length of time symptoms have been present.

Herbs for Vertigo

Use these herbs for Vertigo for a few months to support nerve and kidney function.

Herbs are Mother Nature’s natural remedies valued for their specific strengthening and tonifying properties. Learn medicinal uses of herbs, culinary uses of herbs.

The following herbs are directed toward helping the body to clear the ears of inflammation and congestion, or feed the nervous system.

#1 Dave’s Ring-Dizzy Formula – ear inflammation and blood flow

Herbs that strengthen the nervous system

Lavender – nourishes and strengthens the nerves

Dave’s Mood Formula – nourishes the nervous system

Melissa (Lemon balm) – nerves, also helps with sleep

Herbs to strengthen the kidneys

Dave’s Kidney Formula protects and strengthens the kidneys and urinary system

Parsley root tincture clears mucus congestion, tones urinary tract

Dandelion leaf – increases urine production

Other herb singles: Catnip – for stress-induced vertigo or digestive upsets and congestion in the ears

Cloves (whole) – make a tea for digestive upsets and congestion

Coriander seeds whole – also a tea for digestion and congestion

Dandelion root – vertigo from liver weakness and toxicity

Gingko Biloba – vertigo from lack of circulation to ears and head

Valerian – vertigo from nervous exhaustion

Cell Salts to Help Vertigo

Use the following cell salts to help vertigo. You can use them individually or use the cell salt solution below.

Cell salts natural remedies support mineral deficiencies. Learn about the Cell Salts: 12 Essential Minerals. To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16-24 ounce bottle. Fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#4 Ferr phos 6X – inflammation
#6 Kali phos 6X – nerve weakness
#9 Nat mur 6X – nausea and vertigo, tendency to fall to the left
#12 Silicea 6X – dizzy from bending, Meniere’s disease

Vertigo Homeopathic Remedies

Use these Vertigo homeopathic remedies for several months depending on how long you have had it, and until symptoms have passed.

Homeopathic natural remedies are non-toxic medicines safe for everyone, including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies. Learn How Homeopathy Works

For vertigo caused by injury look to Arnica montana, Hypericum, or Natrum sulph.

Argentum nit – Dizziness from fright or eating sugar; vertigo from looking down or looking up at a tall building, or from looking out of a window. Fear of heights, also that they might jump – gets impulse to jump; fear of falling. Better cool air, cold, motion, pressure; worse anxiety, apprehension, fright, sugar, sweets, cold food. Fear of heights and flying in airplanes, anticipation, hurried, timid and anxious. Panic attacks; palpitations and blood sugar dropping = vertigo.

Conium – Vertigo when lying down and turning over in bed, turning head sideways or turning eyes, worse shaking head. Better motion, pressure, fasting; worse from seeing moving objects, turning in bed. Slow grasp, unable to maintain mental effort, indifferent, depressed.

Gelsemium – Dizziness with blurred vision; weakness and debility causes vertigo. Light headed and dizzy, worse sudden movement; dizzy on rising. Better profuse urination, sweating, stimulants, mental efforts; worse bad news, humid weather, spring. Mental dullness, dizzy, drowsy and droopy. Stage fright; fear of dentists and doctors.

Kali muriaticum – for Eustachian tube blockage, (Merc dulcis for closed Eustachian tubes). History of allergies or sinus congestions before or with Meniere’s. White thick or egg-white mucus; hearing loss with Meniere’s. Flying with painful ears popping. Better rubbing; worse open air, dampness, motion, rich fatty food. Irritable and angry at trifles, fears evil, sits in silence. *Children with chronic ear infections or threat of ear tubes, use Merc dulcis.

Nux vomica – Intoxicated feeling (Tabacum) worse morning or from mental exertion. Vertigo in a crowded room (Pulsatilla). Fainting relating to digestive problems. Vertigo from excessive drugs, alcohol, coffee. Vertigo with morning sickness. Better resting in damp wet weather, strong pressure, naps, hot drinks; worse early morning, cold open air, uncovering, noise. Irritable, fiery temperament with digestive problems.

Tabacum – Sick headaches; vertigo with copious cold sweat, worse on opening eyes; intoxicated feeling; sudden loss of energy, deathly sinking and nausea. Better uncovering abdomen, open fresh air, closing eyes; worse on rising, indoors, motion of boat, pressure, and stimulants. Despondent, disconnected, indifferent.

DISCLAIMER: Statements made on this web site about nutritional supplements are the opinion of the author(s). They have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not meant as a form of diagnosis, or to treat, cure or prevent disease. Information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with questions you have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of something you have read on this site. If you are pregnant or nursing, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program.