
Hearing Loss Natural Remedies

You will find hearing loss natural remedies in this article. Hearing loss is a complex subject where overall volume of hearing is affected. Hearing loss may pertain to noises in the ear (tinnitus) which compete with other sound. Hearing loss will affect over one third of those over the age of 65.

Primary hearing loss may be an obstruction in the ear canal, mostly from ear wax build up. Ayurvedic medicine calls it is a sign of cholesterol buildup.

Secondary hearing loss is damage to the nerves or hairs which mechanically gather sound. Causes of hearing loss of this type are loud noises of music from earphones, rock concerts, or jobs in noisy environments. Another cause of hearing loss is mechanical injury to the ear drum, or inner ear apparatuses. It may be due to injury, medications, tumors, neuroma, etc. Working in a noisy environment or shooting guns without ear protection may cause hearing loss. Always wear protection.

Symptoms of hearing loss include not recognizing certain musical pitches, person’s voices, or losing direction of the sound. Emotionally the symptoms of hearing loss can cause a person to gradually withdraw from company of others, and avoid people or situations. This may be conscious from pride, or they may be annoyed subconsciously.

Physical causes of hearing loss come mostly from ear wax buildup or some other obstruction of the ear canal. Other causes of temporary hearing loss are drugs. The worst offender is long-term or short-term use of high doses of aspirin. Some antibiotics and other medications may be the cause.

Hearing loss may be sudden or slow and may start with infections of the ears, high fevers, and may be linked to tinnitus (ear noises) or Meniere’s disease (dizziness and ear noises) etc. In children and some adults causes of hearing loss are from sinus congestion or Eustachian tube blockage and can be treated effectively.

You must use diagnosis and determine what the cause of hearing loss is in order to treat it correctly. Have the ear canals checked for ear wax buildup. Most often modern medicine resorts to hearing aids. If the damage from hearing loss is too severe, then that may be your only option. Several types of hearing aids are effective.

Natural methods for may be effective for some types of hearing loss, so first check with a hearing specialist to determine the cause of hearing loss. Then use some natural methods. First quiet your environment. Take the ear buds and music out of your environment several hours of the day. When using ear buds make sure the music is low enough for you to be able to carry on a conversation.

From a spiritual viewpoint, who are you listening to all the time? It is only when you can find an inner quiet and connect to your spiritual voice or higher power that you can find inner peace and joy.

Diet is always important. To remove mucus from the body complete removal of dairy products is essential. Then remove tobacco, alcohol, coffee, black tea and processed foods.

Natural supplements to help with hearing loss are: B-Complex vitamins help to reduce stress with may make hearing loss worse; Coenzyme Q10 at 300 mg a day supports circulation to the ears.

Stress also plays a part in hearing loss. Too much noise in an enclosed space (small room) or many people can cause hearing loss. My theory is a lot of older people have cholesterol buildup in their head and brain and reduced blood flow and this may lead to hearing loss. Chinese medicine says that hearing (tinnitus) noises or hearing loss is either a slow onset or fast onset.

Sudden hearing loss is related to an excessive inflammation condition of the liver. It is always related to a high-pitched whistle-like sound. If you press your hand over your ears and the noise is worse, it is the same for deafness.

Chronic or slow onset ear noises (tinnitus) or cause of hearing loss is related to deficient kidney function. It may also have a heart-blood deficiency. If you put your hands over your ears and the noise is less, then it is this condition. Use natural remedies for hearing loss.

Natural Healing Protocol — First, choose an herb. Then add a cell salt or cell salt solution. Finally, choose the homeopathic remedy that fits your situation best. Combining supplements will do more to support your body’s ability to function properly than using just one. Your ability to heal will depend on the severity and length of time symptoms have been present.

Herbs for Hearing Loss

Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties.

Use a combination of the following herbs in capsule or powder for maximum benefit, and adjust as your condition improves. Therapeutic dose is equal to one capsule of each herb or 1 liquid dropper squeeze full of an herbal tincture 3 times a day.

Schizandra herb for hearing loss supports liver and kidney yin deficiency, and is an adaptogen for balanced adrenal and endocrine function.

Melissa (lemon balm) is calming for the nerves and the heart and reduces mucus.

Gingko herb for hearing loss provides circulation to the head and peripheral parts of the body; provides anti-oxidants.

Rosemary is and herb for hearing loss for circulation to the brain and head area.

Lavender reduces mucus and calms nerves, promotes better digestion.

Herbs used Externally for Hearing Loss
The following are herbs that may be put in the ear canal to relieve pain, noises, or even hearing loss.

Mullein oil – put in ears with small wad of cotton at nights.

Arnica tincture (use the glycerin extract) – is especially for pain-not to be used on broken skin or internally. Use with a wad of cotton in the ear.

Garlic oil or juice helps earaches; use with a wad of cotton.

Cell Salts to Help with Hearing Loss

To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16- to 24-ounce bottle; fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#5 Kali mur 6X – hearing loss caused by Eustachian tube blockage
#7 Kali sulph 6X – for liver support and hearing loss caused by Eustachian tube blockage
#10 Nat phos 6X – hearing loss caused from mucus or digestive and pH abnormalities

Hearing Loss Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies.

Belladonna – more right-sided hearing loss; acute hearing loss; earaches; noises humming, roaring, ringing; intolerance to noise; hears one’s own voice in ears.

Causticum –Meniere’s disease; tinnitus with ringing, roaring pulsating, deafness; passionate over societal injustices; excessive ear wax producer.

Hepar sulph – painful earaches; sensitive to wind and touch; noises whizzing, throbbing, roaring; deafness from Eustachian tube congestion after scarlet fever.

Lycopodium – mostly right-sided; feels worse 4 – 8 pm; low self esteem; digestive-liver complaints; offensive discharge and hearing loss with or without noises.

Spigelia – left-sided migraines; noises roaring, buzzing, pulsating; congestion; periodic deafness.

Sulphur – ear discharges; everything worse from heat; red ears in children; sounds come through forehead; noises whizzing, water; intellectual person; hearing sensitive before deafness.

Verbascum – hearing loss caused from water (swimmer’s ear) ; useful internally or externally as an oil.