• Digestion

    Indigestion Natural Remedies

    You will find indigestion natural remedies in this article. When you don’t digest food well, you will have indigestion. Symptoms of indigestion include gas, bloating, and maybe even heartburn; the food just doesn’t go down well. Indigestion is a really a symptom of stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, large or small intestine imbalances. Causes are improper food choices, over eating, eating too late, or, foods eaten are too cold, too hot, or too spicy. Modern medicine treats indigestion as a bit of a mystery, regularly blaming indigestion on too much stomach acid (when other tests come up negative). To “control” the acid they prescribe acid blockers which contribute to osteoporosis, immune…

  • Digestion

    Natural Stomach Ulcer Remedies

    You will find natural stomach ulcer remedies in this article. Our stomach and digestive system is lined with brain-type cells. People that get stomach ulcers are often stressed and hold their anger, stress, and frustration in their gut, suggesting that ulcers are affected by our thoughts. Stomach ulcers frequently cause pain shortly (15-60 minutes) after eating. The pain is generally in the liver-gallbladder region (lower right abdomen). Ulcers are noticed mostly in the fall and springtime. Ulcer symptoms start with bouts of indigestion. It may begin with discomfort in the upper right side of the abdomen and may radiate through a spot in the back. Pains can also be felt…