
Ulcerative Colitis Natural Remedies

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation and ulceration of the rectum which can ascend up through the whole large intestine. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis are mostly chronic diarrhea with blood in the stool. Frequently there is weakness, lack of appetite, pain of the left abdomen, rectal pain and even cramping. We often see mucus in the stool. Ulcerative colitis can be associated with canker sores of the mouth, rashes, and joint problems. Symptoms may come and go, but often will become more severe. Those most affected ulcerative colitis are 15 to 30 years of age with auto-immune problems.

Causes of ulcerative colitis may be lifestyle (stress), poor diet (refined and processed foods.) and likely from smoking. NSAIDS (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) may also be a cause or aggravate the problem.

Modern medicine uses various methods of diagnosis, sometimes linking ulcerative colitis with Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel, colitis, tumors or even diverticulitis. The treatments for ulcerative colitis may be steroids or other immunosuppressive drugs. If symptoms are not being suppressed by medications and their side effects or toxicity, then surgery may be suggested and can create a non reversible problem. All of which have a low success rate.

Natural perspectives believe that the body has the ability to repair itself given the right tools and diet. First correct the diet and use nutritional, herbal, homeopathic and cell salt support. Diet is important. Reduce junk foods, smoking, alcohol, coffee, etc. Eat foods that are fresh and those which agree with your gastro-intestinal system.

Helpful supplements include NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine), 2 caps 3 times a day to support the liver and reduce mucus production. Grape seed extract supports connective tissue integrity.

Natural Healing Protocol — First, choose an herb. Then add a cell salt or cell salt solution. Finally, choose the homeopathic remedy that fits your situation best. Combining supplements will do more to support your body’s ability to function properly than using just one. Your ability to heal will depend on the severity and length of time symptoms have been present.

Herbs for Ulcerative Colitis

Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties.

Use a combination of the following herbs for ulcerative colitis in capsule, powder or tincture for maximum benefit, and adjust as your condition improves. Therapeutic dose is equal to one capsule of each herb 3 times a day or 1 liquid dropper full of an herbal tincture 3 times a day.

Calendula herb for ulcerative colitis is bacteriostatic (stops bacterial growth) and tissue healing.

Licorice soothes and heals the mucus membranes and acts like a steroid to calm the tissues without side effects.

Marshmallow herb for ulcerative colitis is tissue soothing, cooling and healing.

Plantain is a tissue wound healer and also treats leaky gut syndrome.

White oak bark is an astringent to pull the tissues tight and promotes healing.

Wild yam is anti-inflammatory and promotes digestion, releases gas and is anti-spasmodic.

Cell Salts to Help with Ulcerative Colitis

To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16- to 24-ounce bottle; fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#2 Calc phos 6X – ulcerative colitis with boils around the anus; bleeding after stools; offensive gas; stools green, slimy and hot, undigested food and bad gas; grumpy and irritable
#7 Kali sulph 6X – sheep stools (large); black thin, offensive smelling stools or light colored; may also be yellow slimy diarrhea; brown skin spots
#9 Nat mur 6X – constipation alternates with diarrhea every other day; anus contracted, torn and bleeding

Ulcerative Colitis Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies.

Arsenicum album – perfectionist; restless and has burning and pressure in anus and rectum; diarrhea with coldness of limbs and face; vomiting and exhaustion.

Calcarea carb – colitis in obese people who feel best when constipated; diarrhea with undigested food; prolapsed anus; burning, stinging hemorrhoids; parasites.

Collinsonia – with hemorrhoids where rectum feels full of sticks with bleeding; obstinate constipation or alternates with diarrhea and bad gas; itching anus.

Crotalus horr – rectal hemorrhage with dark blood; also has heart or liver disease; bleeding from anus when standing or walking.

Hamamelis – large amounts of tar-like bleeding with soreness; hard stools coated with mucus; anus is sore, raw and itching.

Lachesis – constipation with bad smelling stool; anus feels tight and hemorrhoids protrude, constricted and are purplish; most problems left sided.

Lycopodium – low self esteem; symptoms worse 4 – 8 pm; anus feels raw, bleeds, itches; hemorrhoids ache, painful to touch.

Nitricum acidum – constipation and irritability; diarrhea after antibiotics or other drugs; violent sharp pains after stools; itching anus.

Nux vomica – tightness or uneasiness of rectum; constipation with small stools, unsatisfied stools; irritable, often from alcohol abuse; itching and blind hemorrhoids.

Phosphorus – sensitive people; fears, especially of the dark; flat stools and exhaustion; exhausting diarrhea; needle-like pains, itching burning fissures.