• food allergies natural remedies
    Digestion,  Respiratory

    Food Allergies Natural Remedies

    Food allergies natural remedies can help lessen allergies or sensitivities to particular foods. Many people have been put on a very restrictive diet. A food allergy occurs when the body’s immune system reacts to otherwise harmless substances in certain foods. Allergies to foods may cause you to feel bad, increased mucus in your body or even create life-threatening symptoms. Family history of allergies increases the risk of having allergies. If both your parents have food allergies, you have a 75% chance of having one yourself. Excessive exposure to a particular food also increases chances of allergies; for instance, countries that have rice as a staple have higher rates of rice…

  • hay fever natural remedies

    Hay Fever Natural Remedies

    If you suffer sneezing, itching, or watery eyes, you may need these hay fever natural remedies. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, dust, and chemicals especially at certain times of the year. There is swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. Symptoms of Hay Fever may include sneezing, runny nose, burning eyes, exhaustion, mucus discharges. Hay fever tendencies can be hereditary and symptoms encouraged by a weak immune system. See other articles on Allergies, food allergies, and pet dander allergies. Modern medicine treats hay fever with decongestants and anti-histamines. They may give temporary symptomatic relief,  but offer no long-term improvements. Using hay fever natural remedies, however,…

  • Children

    Baby Congestion Natural Remedies

    Nasal congestion in babies interferes with sleeping and feeding, when nasal pathways are blocked. Congestion comes when a nursing mother may have a diet too rich in dairy products or there is too much stress from lack of sleep which affects the quality of mother’s milk. The baby may have allergies to the formula. For baby congestion, most healthcare professionals recommend sucking out the mucus from the nose or using a decongestant if the child is old enough. From the natural perspective, we should look first at the mother’s diet, and help the mother and child to normalize mucus secretions to reduce congestion. Clearing the nose is helpful. A humidifier…

  • Respiratory

    COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Natural Remedies

    Chronic breathing problems from bronchitis or emphysema are a very common problem. Symptoms of COPD include coughing, respiratory infections or shortness of breath with or without mucus or wheezing. Cause can be from second hand smoke, chronic smoking or weakness of the respiratory organs. Medical treatment for COPD includes inhalers, steroids, or anti-inflammatory drugs. All these can have medium to severe risks and don’t get to the cause of lung weakness. From the natural perspective the first thing to do is avoid smoke or smoking as well as polluted environments. COPD can also be caused from poor diet which causes excess mucus in the body. Eating for your constitution or…

  • Digestion

    Ulcerative Colitis Natural Remedies

    Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation and ulceration of the rectum which can ascend up through the whole large intestine. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis are mostly chronic diarrhea with blood in the stool. Frequently there is weakness, lack of appetite, pain of the left abdomen, rectal pain and even cramping. We often see mucus in the stool. Ulcerative colitis can be associated with canker sores of the mouth, rashes, and joint problems. Symptoms may come and go, but often will become more severe. Those most affected ulcerative colitis are 15 to 30 years of age with auto-immune problems. Causes of ulcerative colitis may be lifestyle (stress), poor diet (refined and…