insomnia natural remedies

Insomnia Natural Remedies

These insomnia natural remedies are good for sleep which is essential for good health, mentally, physically and emotionally. Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep within an hour of going to bed, or it is awakening one or more times during the night; both include not getting back to sleep. Symptoms include sleeplessness, wakefulness, tiredness in the morning, snoring.

Insomnia is found in those over the age of sixty more than others, affecting 40% of women and 25% of men. Causes include shift work, emotional and physical stresses, alcohol, diet (the foods you eat), eating too much, drinking fluids or taking stimulants too close to bed time, medication side effects, restless-leg syndrome, toxicity of the body, and even pollution.

Modern medicine uses drugs to treat insomnia; they knock you out and are often addictive to some degree or another. Worse than this, the sleep is artificial and may affect your health eventually, so try these insomnia natural remedies as well as changing your patterns.

Thoughts about Sleeping Good

Naturally we are meant to sleep up to eight hours nightly; everyone is different in the sleep they need. It is healthy to wake up at the same time every morning, and to go to bed at a reasonable time. The bedroom is for sleep and sex only. Watch television, read, and do other things in other rooms. Avoid shift work as your body can’t sleep when it should – at night.

Sleeplessness is a sign of inner restlessness: time to do some inner cleansing. Other signs may include: emotion conflict, nerve weakness from worry, bad dreams, feverish diseases, stomach disturbances, fear of death, or high cholesterol. Many people get used to sleeplessness.

The causation of physical factors can be the colon, bladder, fever, or cough. To help insomnia, take care of the cause. Take gentle walks, or use clay packs on the calves. Bathe in a lukewarm bath (a few drops of essential oils added).

One of the insomnia natural remedies is magnesium. Magnesium, taken several times a day (up to loose stools) relaxes the muscles when there id physical muscle cramps, or restless legs or tight muscles.

Before retiring to bed

  • Keep water, or other fluid intake, to a minimum about four hours before bed. The same thing goes for caffeine, coffee, and black tea.
  • Alcohol can make you drowsy and depresses the central nervous system, but causes restless sleep.
  • Eat heavy meals at least two to three hours before bed.
  • Electric blankets disturb the body’s electrical system and are harmful to the immune system.
  • Stay quiet and try not to pick fights with family members, or others, before bedtime.

Herbs for Insomnia

Use these herbs for insomnia for a few months to support calm mind, muscles and nerves.

Herbs are Mother Nature’s natural remedies valued for their specific strengthening and tonifying properties. Learn medicinal uses of herbs, culinary uses of herbs.

Dave’s Sleep Formula – herbs to calm nerves, heart, and mind.

Dave’s Recovery – herbs for relaxing muscles.

Passion flower – calming nerves, to relax muscles.

Green Oat extract – calm mind and nerves.
Valerian – relax muscles and is nerve calmative, but works opposite for some people.

Hops – nerve sedative, helps when there is digestion.

Make your own sleeping pillow – Make it of Hops flowers, Fern leaves (mail fern), Lavender, and Thyme.

Cell Salts to Help Insomnia

Use the following cell salts to help insomnia. You can use them individually or use the cell salt solution below.

Cell salts natural remedies support mineral deficiencies. Learn about the Cell Salts: 12 Essential Minerals. To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16-24 ounce bottle. Fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#2 Calc phos 6X – , calcium absorption for muscle relaxation, muscular tension
#9 Nat mur 6X – emotional restlessness, grief
#12 Silicea 6X –physical coldness, timidity

Insomnia Homeopathic Remedies

Use these insomnia homeopathic remedies for up to several months depending on how long you have had it, and until symptoms have passed.

Homeopathic natural remedies are non-toxic medicines safe for everyone, including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies. Learn How Homeopathy Works

Use 30c in the early evening and just before going to bed.

Argentum Nit – sleeplessness from phobias, fixed ideas, tormenting thoughts; hyperactive children; mind races, talks fast; moves fast, hasty gait; craves sugar; worse sugar and desserts; fear of heights

Aurum metallicum – insomnia from pain, depression, fear; neurological; suicidal; noise in ears; severe insomnia from religion, lost their grace from God — praying all night from a profound sense of guilt; mania (Veratrum). After cancer diagnosis there is despair and depression.

Calc Carb – especially in children, from scary movies, hearing stories-ghost stories; easily frightened, other children taunt them. Sweats at night on back of head; worry. Severe insomnia in the elderly for those who retire and feel useless, need a reason to live. Check out Aurum met and Pulsatilla as well.

Chamomilla – sleeplessness in children who are teething; nothing satisfies; nursing to shut the child up or get them to sleep. (Pulsatilla children want to be close to mothers and are insecure, waking up parents frequently.)

Coffea – busy mind chatter; sleepless from drugs and stimulants; over excitement, especially in children. Some small noise or light, anticipation, especially noise; wakes up every time; can be from chronic coffee abuse; anticipating excitement like going somewhere or a performance-anticipates pleasant things too.

Ignatia – emotional upsets; sighs frequently; acute for severe grief, death, divorce, broken relationships; insomnia and weight loss after arguments, or fights; rehearsal-they revisit the previous day, conversations on what they should have said and done and how they should have behaved; sleeplessness from inability to make decisions, job, work, family, etc.

Kali Brom – sleeplessness due to worry, grief; night terrors in children; schizophrenia, paranoia remedy; epilepsy-wakes up with convulsions or mania; may have acne on face, back, shoulders and chest.

Kali Phos – non-descript sleeplessness. All Kalis are good for sleep, especially after mental, computer work, and have a hard time mentally slowing down; writing, thinking from mental exertion.

Nux Vomica – irritable, grumpy; digestive problems; insomnia from business ideas, can’t sleep after 3 am mind busy with ideas; worse pressure of clothes on waist.

Sulphur – ruminating on intellectual ideas, philosophies, get-rich-quick schemes, inventions, can’t turn the mind off; mental excitement, can’t sleep, play mental games with themselves; progress ideas and connect things, an idea totally excites them; can go days without sleep, for research people, scientists.

Staphysagria – insomnia after anger, humiliation, or being in an unsatisfying relationship; violent yawning; pain remains after surgery.