• Digestion,  General Health

    Constipation Natural Remedies

    Constipation is the inability to have a bowel movement every day. This creates symptoms of gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, backache, and possible headache. Causes come from a lack of water (dehydration), lack of proper diet and fiber, lack of exercise (movement of the body), emotional processes and fears, and many types of medications such as pain killers, some antihistamines, antacids, muscle relaxants, anti-depressants, iron, and some diuretics, etc. Many people resort to using laxatives for their constipation symptoms, which can have lasting side effects. Modern medicine should be evaluating prescription drugs to remove components which cause constipation instead of prescribing laxatives for drug-induced constipation. Doctors also do colonoscopies to look…

  • Digestion

    Crohn’s Natural Remedies

    Crohn’s disease is an inflammation of parts of the digestive tract; a person may have problems from the mouth to the anus. It affects the large intestine most frequently and those who have Crohn’s are between the ages of 15 and 40. Crohn’s affects more women (ages 15 to 50 years old) than men. Crohn’s involves lymphatic congestion of the colon area and the colon becomes fibrous and unyielding over time, when severe it can create pockets that perforate the colon, and carry toxic materials into the abdominal cavity (leaky gut). Symptoms of Crohn’s include abdominal pain, appetite loss, gas, bloating, non-bloody diarrhea, open anal sores or other anal problems.…

  • Digestion

    Food Poisoning Natural Remedies

    Try these food poisoning natural remedies. Food poisoning comes when we have a bad reaction to spoiled or poorly handled foods. There may bacteria such as E coli, salmonella, or staphylococcus or others. The symptoms can be slight to life-threatening and last 4 to 6 days if left untreated. Symptoms of food poisoning include upset stomach, intestinal cramps, nausea, or fever. If severe, there may be dehydration. If severe enough a person may need medications – ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR or go to emergency if symptoms get out of control. If you have taken antibiotics, use probiotics like Acidophilus for 30 days after. From the natural perspective one may…

  • natural remedies for gallstones

    Natural Remedies for Gallstones

    These are natural remedies for gallstones, which are an over accumulation of bile that forms stones which can block the bile duct and become extremely painful. Symptoms include indigestion, gas, and bloating. There can be a sensation of fluttering or pain in the region of the low right ribs. There may also be a soreness of the lower tip of the right shoulder blade. Common causes include a poor diet, and some prescription medications. Some authorities on the subject think it is an over consumption of fats. Almost exclusively, the medical field removes the gallbladder and many surgeons will also remove a healthy appendix “just in case.” Many people will…

  • Digestion

    Gastroparesis Natural Remedies

    You will find gastroparesis natural remedies in this article. Gastroparesis happens when the stomach is slow to empty its contents into the duodenum, although there is no obstruction. You may experience some or several symptoms including nausea, vomiting, stomach spasm, loss of appetite, feeling full after a few bites, or bloating. It is often hard to diagnose without looking inside the stomach (only done by a doctor with proper equipment). Another cause could be insulin resistance. Modern medicine treats gastroparesis with medications that force the stomach muscles to expel the food. Side effects cause many of the similar symptoms as gastroparesis as if they are trying to treat it –…

  • Digestion

    Heartburn Natural Remedies

    Try these heartburn natural remedies. Your stomach has acid to help digest your food. Your stomach acid is very strong – the same acidity as battery acid. While the stomach can handle this, the more sensitive esophagus cannot. When the stomach sphincter is too weak, stomach acid regurgitates up into the esophagus, and causes a burning sensation called Heartburn. While occasional Heartburn is common, more frequent, ongoing Heartburn may be Acid Reflux, or GERD. Symptoms of Heartburn include burning chest pain, sour taste in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, belching, hoarseness, and sometimes breathing difficulties. Heartburn symptoms are worse from lying down or bending over. Heartburn may be caused by a…

  • Circulation,  Digestion

    Hemorrhoid Natural Remedies

    You will find hemorrhoid natural remedies in this article. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectal area. They may appear as an irritation, as inflammation or may be infected. Hemorrhoids can be internal or hang like grapes on the outside. They may or may not be painful. It is a congestion of the portal vein to the liver. Hemorrhoids are caused by too much sitting, constipation, or liver problem. Natural remedies can relieve symptoms by strengthening the vein connective tissue, cleanse the blood, and support liver health. Use external ointments for temporary relief, included in the following: Avenoc Hemorrhoid suppositorie, tablets, or ointment, Dr. Christopher’s Comfrey Ointment, or Dr. Christopher’s…

  • Digestion

    Indigestion Natural Remedies

    You will find indigestion natural remedies in this article. When you don’t digest food well, you will have indigestion. Symptoms of indigestion include gas, bloating, and maybe even heartburn; the food just doesn’t go down well. Indigestion is a really a symptom of stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, large or small intestine imbalances. Causes are improper food choices, over eating, eating too late, or, foods eaten are too cold, too hot, or too spicy. Modern medicine treats indigestion as a bit of a mystery, regularly blaming indigestion on too much stomach acid (when other tests come up negative). To “control” the acid they prescribe acid blockers which contribute to osteoporosis, immune…

  • Digestion

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Natural Remedies

    Irritable bowel is a disorder which causes discomfort and distress to the intestines. Symptoms are characterized most commonly by cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Some may have constipation while others may have diarrhea, or a combination of both in alternation. Other symptoms include bloating and gas, mucus in the stool, and urging after having a bowel movement. As many as 20 percent of the adults have symptoms of IBS, making it one of the most common disorders diagnosed by doctors. It occurs more often in women than in men, and it begins before the age of 35 in about 50 percent of people. IBS, for most people, can…

  • Digestion

    Leaky Gut Natural Remedies

    Try these leaky gut natural remedies for long lasting gut health. Leaky gut is a syndrome where digestive matter moves through the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity. This provokes an auto-immune response; it may be totally separate, or connected with food allergies (related to Celiac’s disease) such as allergies to grains, gluten, or dairy products. Causes of leaky gut can be food intolerances and made worse, or be caused by antibiotics, regular use of NSAIDS (non-prescription pain relievers), and steroid use. It can cause or increase other auto immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Leaky gut is not recognized by modern medicine and most likely caused or aggravated by…