
TMJ Natural Remedies

Get some relief with these TMJ natural remedies. With TMJ, the jaws crack and pop easily with yawning and chewing. It can move out of joint and be very painful. Causes may include chronic clenching of the jaws, and stress.

Modern medicine treats it with mouth guards, surgery, pain relievers of muscle relaxants. Most of these, at best, are symptomatic relief, along with side effects from medications.

From a natural perspective, TMJ is a condition of chronic stress where a person holds stress in the jaw area, which, over time damages the joint. Reduce your stress and help symptoms with natural anti-inflammatory supplements for symptomatic relief.

While using these TMJ natural remedies, always remember to eliminate alcohol, tobacco, coffee, black tea and soda pop as well.

Natural Healing Protocol — First, choose an herb. Then add a cell salt or cell salt solution. Finally, choose the homeopathic remedy that fits your situation best. Combining supplements will do more to support your body’s ability to function properly than using just one. Your ability to heal will depend on the severity and length of time symptoms have been present.

Herbs for TMJ

Herbs are Mother Nature’s natural remedies valued for their specific strengthening and tonifying properties. Learn medicinal uses of herbs, culinary uses of herbs.

Use these herbs for TMJ for a few months to support the tissue and muscles. The following herb combinations are directed toward the reducing inflammation and relaxing muscles:

Dave’s Relief Formula – Corydalis, Boswellia, Myrrh, Ginger – to relieve symptoms of TMJ with natural anti-inflammation qualities.

Dave’s Recovery Formula – Cramp bark, Horsetail, Oat straw, Wild lettuce, Thyme, Nettle herbs traditionally used to relax muscles, with anti-inflammatory properties.

Cell Salts to Help TMJ

Use the following cell salts to help TMJ. You can use them individually or use the cell salt solution below.

Cell salts natural remedies support mineral deficiencies. Learn about the Cell Salts: 12 Essential Minerals. To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16-24 ounce bottle. Fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#6 Kali phos 6X – nerve support, relaxation, reducing stress
#8 Mag phos 6X – muscle relaxation
#9 Nat mur 6X – for grief and emotional tension

TMJ Homeopathic Remedies

Use these TMJ homeopathic remedies for up to several months depending on how long you have had it, and until symptoms have passed.

Homeopathic natural remedies are non-toxic medicines safe for everyone, including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies. Learn How Homeopathy Works

Rhus tox (#1) – especially at the popping and cracking stage. Joint locks and is stiff with yawning to pop it. Gnawing pain; nerve pain, quick and cutting; burning, tearing, and stiffness of the joint with the popping and cracking. Wakes up stiff, hurts to first move, but feels better moving. Better hot application; worse in cold weather.

Agaricus muscarius – sensation as if crawling under the skin, and twitching. Prickly sensations.

Calcerea carb – follows Rhus tox for cracking, popping and stiffness of joints, accompanied with cold hands and feet, often with weak ankles and tendency to obesity.

Causticum – whole side of the face goes numb (mostly right-sided). Jaw becomes rigid and they can’t open it. Jaw locks with raw burning and sharpness. Bell’s palsy.

Ignatia – holds tension in jaw – every time they get angry their neck gets tight. They grit their teeth chronically. There is cramping from tightness in the jaw with sharp pains. From suppressed anger or not speaking their mind.