• Women's Health

    Candida/Vaginal Yeast Infections Natural Remedies

    A candida-yeast infection means that too many yeast cells, usually called Candida albicans, are growing in the vaginal area. When healthy, the vaginal bacteria keep the yeast in check. Candida in women is usually indicated by any kind of vaginal discharge, itching, burning, or possible dryness. There may be irritability, bloating, anxiety and nervousness. The causes of Candida can be diet from dairy, coffee, alcohol, sodas and refined sugars. It may also be caused from hormonal imbalances, sometimes caused by chemical birth control. Modern medicine treats Candida with other less harmful fungus medicines (one fungus treats another!!!). There is a little control, and only long-term treatments continue to help. Natural…

  • Digestion,  Women's Health

    Natural Yeast Cleanse Remedies

    These natural yeast cleanse remedies support good hormonal health. See also Candida/Yeast Infections. Symptoms of Candida or Yeast Infection in women include tiredness, irritability, bloating, anxiety and nervousness. There may be vaginal discharge, itching, burning, or even dryness. Some authors claim there are up to two hundred different symptoms. Cleansing Candida comes by creating an environment in the gut that does not support Candida. Using a good probiotic like Nature’s Way Reuteri will help replace friendly bacteria that belong in the gut. Further, you must improve digestion and repair previous damage from yeast. IMPORTANT NUTRITION FOR CANDIDA/YEAST –Many people have used the following combination for short-term control: 5,000 mcg of…