• Women's Health

    Endometriosis Natural Remedies

    You will find endrometriosis natural remedies in this article. Endometriosis happens when the endometrial lining (uterine lining) grows outside of the uterus, most frequently on the fallopian tubes and in the abdomen. It can grow almost anywhere in the body and sheds with the normal hormonal cycle. Endometrial tissue can be of a light filmy composition and growth can be severe enough to be deeply imbedding fibrous scar tissue which restricts movement of organs in the abdominal cavity. It is estimated that it may afflict at least 10% of woman of child bearing years. Risk factors of endometriosis include early onset of menses, heavy bleeding, IUD usage, family history of…

  • Women's Health

    Natural Uterine Fibroid Support

    You will find natural uterine fibroid support in this article. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths inside or outside of the uterus and may cause excessive or severe bleeding. Up to 30% of women experience uterine fibroids and 20% of these may need intervention. The growths may be so large as to displace other organs or interfere with proper functioning. Doctors often use surgery to remove large uterine fibroids. Symptoms include severe bleeding, painful bleeding, pain in the pelvic region, headaches, backaches, irritable rectum and bladder, profuse vaginal discharges, especially watery. Stalk-like fibroids that extend into the pelvic cavity can cause pain, nausea, or fever. Larger uterine fibroids may be detected…