• Mental Health

    Depression Natural Remedies

    Try these depression natural remedies. From the natural perspective, depression is an important part of life that everyone experiences at one point or another. The causes are many, but as I see it, depression is nature’s way of making us stop and look at problems in life, and take time to correct them. Depression can just disappear when the cause is found and the problem addressed. Modern medicine has a mistaken belief that anti-depressants are the answer; but these medications may actually hinder the healing process. Anti-depressants can be useful for a short time. Typical results are an emotional numbness and a reduction in sex drive, with other side effects…

  • General Health

    Natural Hyper-Thyroid Remedies (Basedow’s Disease)

    You will find natural hyper-thyroid remedies in this article. Basedow’s Disease (sometimes called Grave’s disease) comes from an overactive thyroid producing too much hormone. It can be recognized by shiny eyes, later enlarged eyes, swelling of the thyroid, pulsation, falling hair, heart palpitations, tendency to diarrhea, shaking hands, damp skin, irritable voice, and unwanted weight loss from a raised metabolism. The cause is unknown, but thought to be an auto-immune problem. Conventional treatment of hyper thyroid involves medications, thyroid removal, or radiation treatment. Most options tend to be disagreeable and permanent. I have seen many people feel much worse after treatment. Natural management of hyperthyroidism by supplements is often successful.…

  • General Health

    Natural Hypo-Thyroid Support Remedies

    Try these natural hypo-thyroid support remedies. Hypothyroid is slow developing and shows subtle outward signs. The slow destruction of the thyroid is hard to see of detect because the function is kept to normal levels as the thyroid enlarges. Finally, there is not enough tissue to produce the proper amounts of thyroxin and there comes the more obvious signs. Regeneration of some tissue is possible but may need time, patience, and temporary thyroid medication (Preferably Armor natural thyroid by prescription). Prevention is the best solution. Use iodine-rich foods from the sea or ocean and avoid fluoridated water, supplement soy products, and cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage, etc. Symptoms include:…