• Digestion,  General Health

    Natural Bad Breath Remedies

    Bad breath is an offensive odor coming from the mouth. The most common cause is poor digestion. Some say constipation may also cause bad breath. Medications which block or reduce stomach acid may cause bad breath. Sinus problems may also be a cause. Very rarely, bad breath may be a sign of tuberculosis, syphilis, cancer, or even AIDS. Other causes include smelly foods (sardines, garlic, onions, salami, or other strong smelling foods), hunger, or dental problems. Remember to have regular dental checkups. Modern medicine doesn’t usually treat bad breath unless a severe medical problem is seen. Bad breath is not treated by doctors with the exception of examining teeth for…

  • Dental

    Bleeding Gums Natural Remedies

    Gums which swell, are irritated or bleed; common causes are diet, hygiene, lack of circulation with veins that are poor, infections, injuries. Generally, modern medicine treats it with antibiotics which don’t address the cause, and may have unwanted side effects. Natural solutions treat the causes by improving circulation, diet, and hygiene. Circulation needs improvement along with the immune system. Gently massage gums with fingers twice a day. Make sure you are brushing your teeth gently at least twice a day. Herbs for Bleeding Gums Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties. Herb combination: Dave’s Heart Formula – combination of hawthorn, mistletoe, horsetail, lemon balm and anise helps…

  • General Health

    Natural Remedies for Canker Sores

    Canker sores, also called stomatitis, are painful sores of the inside of the mouth, inside of lips, gums and even on the tongue. The pain can be raw, sharp, burning or a combination of them all. This can alter the taste, smell and breath. Canker sores are a sign of digestive disturbances. Causes are unknown from a medical viewpoint. Topical pain relievers are often used along with steroids. These may be toxic. The first natural remedies for canker sores is to use digestives (herbs, cell salts, or homeopathic remedies) which help digestion as well as calm the nervous system. An herbal “bitters” formula can often stimulate better digestion too so…

  • General Health,  Skin

    Natural Remedies for Cold Sores

    Learn about these natural remedies for cold sores. Cold sores are small blisters around the mouth or nose that come on in one to four weeks and can last several days. The blisters are filled with a clear or yellow liquid. They can feel sore, or sting. Generally they are caused form contact such as kissing. The virus can lie dormant for years and will then respond to stress, or sun exposure. Modern medicine treats cold sores with anti-viral medications either over a short period or a long time for more chronic problems. They help give symptomatic relief, but may have side effects. From the natural perspective, help the body…

  • Mental Health

    Stuttering Natural Remedies

    You will find stuttering natural remedies in this article. Also known as stammering, stuttering is when a person can’t speak without repeating words or syllables. It can be worse from stress, anticipation, rears or physical limitations. Causes come from physical or muscular problems or damage; some from strokes. Most often stuttering is an emotional problems created from some stress or abuse. It may be combined with oversensitivity and low self esteem. Medical treatment may vary from prescription anti-depressants, which masks problems, to speech therapy (important) and counseling (very important). From the natural perspective, we find the cause to treat the problem. Stuttering is usually emotional and natural supplements can effectively…