• Men's Health,  Women's Health

    Incontinence Natural Remedies

    Here you will find incontinence natural remedies that support urinary health. Urinary leakage from the bladder includes frequent urging with little flow. Causes in women are generally menopausal problems from lack of estrogen, chronic constipation, weakness from childbirth, or a weak pelvic floor (from sitting too much). There are more women than men suffering from this. Men suffering from this can have an enlarged prostate. Men, see Prostate Problems, BPH Natural Remedies. Other causes of incontinence include prescription drug side effects. Medical treatment for incontinence can include drugs which dry up body fluids (may cause a myriad of side effects) or act to calm bladder spasms. All drugs treat the…

  • Women's Health

    Menopause Natural Remedies

    You will find menopause natural remedies in this article. Menopause for women starts generally between the age of 45 and 50. Sometimes it may start before 40 and last as long as 55. A woman’s period is irregular, becoming less frequent, and will finally leave during this time, or women may have more frequent periods with heavier bleeding. In other cases the period becomes lighter and more watery, often becomes darker with clotty discharges, and can become mucus-like. Also during this time the face grows round, the breasts sag. Others lose weight and severely wrinkle. The face gets more hair. The hair of the head thins, as well as the…