• natural remedies for osteoarthritis

    Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis

    This article explains the uses of natural remedies for osteoarthritis. See other arthritis posts, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, arthritis associated. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and the most common form of arthritis. It affects most people over the age of 50. It is the wearing away of cartilage in the joints with inflammation. Symptoms of osteoarthritis include joint inflammation. This develops pain, stiffness associated with inflammation; injuries or over-use causing inflammation; stiffening with swelling; joints may deform, or bony growths may appear in or around the joints. These symptoms can happen together or individually. A diet rich in animal fats, sugars, salts, etc can cause this condition. The use of…

  • Joints

    Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis has pain and inflammation of the joints with morning stiffness, joint discoloration, and joint deformation. Causes include a diet rich in animal fats. It may also include an inherited factor. There also may be over toxicity and emotional causes. Western medicine uses cancer drugs, pain relievers and other suppressive drugs. Pain is an indication of an energy blockage (the energy doesn’t move through and organ or system in the way nature intended it. Remove the blockage, and the pain will go away permanently. On the other hand, if joint damage is too far gone the body cannot repair itself. Through the natural remedies pain can be eliminated either…