• Respiratory

    Whooping Cough Natural Remedies

    These whooping cough natural remedies can be helpful for supporting lung health. Whooping cough is an airway inflammation and infection caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Mostly in adults it acts like a cough which lasts for up to 3 months. In small children whooping cough can be life threatening as they can’t cough up mucus effectively. Then there is the characteristic “whoop” as a coughing fit. Besides the exposure to someone who has whooping cough, I suspect a weakened immune system plays a part in contracting the bacteria. Exposure to others coughing while carrying whopping cough can lead to an incubation period of 4 to 15 days; the next…

  • Women's Health

    Natural Remedies for Interstitial Cystitis

    Interstitial cystitis is a form of chronic cystitis or inflammation of the bladder. It affects mostly women from in their twenties to forties. There is a constant urge to urinate, as the bladder feels full all the time. As the bladder fills, the pain increases. The pain involved may be excruciation, keeping the sufferer from daily activities. Some natural health authorities feel it may be the result of emotional issues transferring into physical disease. Diet is an important issue as caffeine and alcohol can aggravate the situation. It is wise to avoid tobacco, alcohol, coffee, black tea and sodas. MSM, SamE, NAC, and lecithin should be a part of your…

  • Dental

    Dental Surgery Natural Remedies

    Dental surgery complications include bleeding, infection, and inflammation. These complications are generally treated with antibiotics and pain killers that may have unwanted side effects. Make sure to use probiotics like Primadophalis Reuteri after antibiotics. The natural outlook is preventative in nature, but can be used at any time. Herbs for Healing from Dental Surgery Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties. The following herbs are directed toward healing tissue and keeping infection at bay by killing bacteria. Use each tincture, 40 drops in 8 ounces of water; gargle four times a day. Calendula tincture – for healing tissue, use same as other tinctures. Goldenseal tincture – immune…

  • Children,  Hearing

    Natural Earache Remedies

    Try these natural earache remedies. Earaches come from infection or inflammation of the inner parts of the ear. They may also be caused by Eustachian tubes that are blocked or inflamed. They can be acute or become chronic over time. Often ear problems, as the Chinese describe, are linked to kidney problems. One can put a hot pack over the kidneys or use other remedies to strengthen the kidneys. Symptoms are various types of pains felt on the inside or outside of the ear; heat, pressure, stabbing pains, etc. Modern medicine treats earaches with antibiotics. While helping in some cases, this does not address the cause. To treat the cause,…

  • Circulation,  Digestion

    Hemorrhoid Natural Remedies

    You will find hemorrhoid natural remedies in this article. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectal area. They may appear as an irritation, as inflammation or may be infected. Hemorrhoids can be internal or hang like grapes on the outside. They may or may not be painful. It is a congestion of the portal vein to the liver. Hemorrhoids are caused by too much sitting, constipation, or liver problem. Natural remedies can relieve symptoms by strengthening the vein connective tissue, cleanse the blood, and support liver health. Use external ointments for temporary relief, included in the following: Avenoc Hemorrhoid suppositorie, tablets, or ointment, Dr. Christopher’s Comfrey Ointment, or Dr. Christopher’s…

  • General Health

    Inflammation Natural Remedies

    You will find inflammation natural remedies in this article. Inflammation is your body’s reaction to toxicity which can appear as a sore area, heat, or some area of the body not functioning as it should; it is an immune response. You may experience pain, soreness, or discomfort; many have lower energy than normal. Modern medicine attempts to reduce inflammation by using anti-inflammatory drugs which suppress the immune response to it, and can damage the gastro-intestinal tract. To naturally reduce inflammation in the body, take care of the cause whether it’s toxicity, or imbalance of one of your organs, or a wound. Natural Healing Protocol: Combining supplements will do more to…

  • Respiratory

    Pleurisy Natural Remedies

    You will find pleurisy natural remedies in this article. With pleurisy the lining of the lungs inflame and cause severe pain upon movement. It feels like someone is standing on your chest and is hard to breathe. Dry pleurisy is the sensation of severe stabbing pain each breath and is usually accompanied with dry irritating cough or a slight fever. Wet pleurisy is the buildup of fluid in the lining (pleural effusion). It appears gradually with uneasiness, feeling dull, appetite loss and may also come on suddenly with chills, fever, sticking pains and pressure in the chest, difficulty breathing and a persistent dry cough. This type of wet pleurisy may…