• Women's Health

    Candida/Vaginal Yeast Infections Natural Remedies

    A candida-yeast infection means that too many yeast cells, usually called Candida albicans, are growing in the vaginal area. When healthy, the vaginal bacteria keep the yeast in check. Candida in women is usually indicated by any kind of vaginal discharge, itching, burning, or possible dryness. There may be irritability, bloating, anxiety and nervousness. The causes of Candida can be diet from dairy, coffee, alcohol, sodas and refined sugars. It may also be caused from hormonal imbalances, sometimes caused by chemical birth control. Modern medicine treats Candida with other less harmful fungus medicines (one fungus treats another!!!). There is a little control, and only long-term treatments continue to help. Natural…

  • Dental

    Dental Surgery Natural Remedies

    Dental surgery complications include bleeding, infection, and inflammation. These complications are generally treated with antibiotics and pain killers that may have unwanted side effects. Make sure to use probiotics like Primadophalis Reuteri after antibiotics. The natural outlook is preventative in nature, but can be used at any time. Herbs for Healing from Dental Surgery Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties. The following herbs are directed toward healing tissue and keeping infection at bay by killing bacteria. Use each tincture, 40 drops in 8 ounces of water; gargle four times a day. Calendula tincture – for healing tissue, use same as other tinctures. Goldenseal tincture – immune…

  • Children,  Hearing

    Ear Infection Natural Remedies

    Use these ear infection natural remedies for pain in the ears which may signal an inner ear infection. Found mostly in infants to children six years of age, ear infections can affect older children as well as adults. Prominent signs of ear infections include pain, crying, pulling at the ears, dizziness, and discharges when the eardrum bursts, loss of hearing, and sometimes glands under the jaw are painful and swollen. Common causes of ear infections include allergic reactions to dairy or baked goods, feeding a child solid food before they are 12 months, reactions to mother’s milk from the food she has been eating, and allergens in the air or…

  • General Health

    Natural Remedies for Fever in Adults

    You will find natural remedies for fever in adults in this article. Fevers are the body’s response to accumulated toxins; they are a barometer as to what is going on inside our body. It is our vital force’s attempt to heal the body. One may experience heat or even chills. Generating the ability to kill bacteria and viruses to facilitate elimination through perspiration, a fever is considered 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, with some fluctuation. To do this, blood flow to the skin and the heart rate are increased to create better circulation, and then elimination is improved. Disease organisms (viruses from flu or cold) are garbage men just trying…

  • Children

    Children’s Natural Fever Remedies

    These are children’s natural fever remedies. A rise in body temperature above 99° Fahrenheit constitutes a fever. Symptoms may include tiredness, weakness, heat of the forehead, and chills. Causes of fever include toxicity, or the flu or a cold, and may be commonly connected with ear infections. The thyroid, pituitary, and hypothalamus malfunction can also contribute to body temperature. The child’s diet may also be the cause of fever. From the medical perspective, fever is an inappropriate response of the immune system and is treated with antibiotics, cold baths, and cold wet towels. While these may temporarily drop the temperature, they don’t solve the underlying problems. The most common medical…

  • Circulation,  Skin

    Leg Ulcers Natural Remedies

    Try these leg ulcers natural remedies. Leg ulcers begin with small open areas of the skin, mostly of the lower third of the lower leg. If neglected it may grow to open sores which are round or irregular shaped. These leg ulcers may deepen and appear as a dirty green-gray mass or raised irregular inflamed borders. With leg ulcers there can be severe pain that radiates to the whole leg. Legs can be swollen and have inflammation, fever, and bleeding. Complications of leg ulcers include infection, pus discharges, and blood clots (thrombosis). Causes of leg ulcers include constitutional connective tissue weakness and nutritional deficiencies of the skin. Scratching can cause…

  • Men's Health,  Women's Health

    UTI,Urinary Tract Infection Natural Remedies

    See, in this article, urinary tract infection natural remedies. A UTI, Urinary Tract Infection, is an inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, or the urethra. Symptoms of UTI include pain, burning or urge to urinate. Causes of UTI may include sensitivity to soaps, poor sanitary conditions, or especially in urinary tract infection in women, from a short urethra. Most urinary tract infections treatments are with antibiotics, which kill both the bad and the good bacteria, which is needed for a healthy environment. If you have chronic urinary tract infections, see a urologist to be sure there is not a serious problems or even a deformity. From the natural perspective, UTI, urinary…