• Digestion

    Natural Colon Cleanse Remedies

    Colon or Bowel Cleansing is controversial as some people advocate supporting the liver to detoxify the body and the colon will take care of itself. IMPORTANT – Really Good digestion promotes a clean colon. When the system is shut down, there is constipation and a sense of sluggishness, especially in those who are heavy or hot. Then, a cleanse may be in order. While laxatives can provide a temporary help for those who are traveling or have an interrupted schedule, chronic constipation should be addressed by looking at a cause. Causes can be physical inactivity, an irregular schedule, stress, liver problems, lack of adequate fiber, fruits and vegetables, and low…

  • General Health

    Natural Liver Cleanse Remedies

    A healthy liver is essential for many important functions of the body. The liver must be healthy enough to detoxify the body from pollution as well as toxins in the food we eat and general operating (metabolism) by-products. When the liver functions well, it may facilitate weight loss as the fat cells release their stored toxins. You may need a liver cleanse if you feel grumpy, irritable or wake up tired most mornings. Try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Always start by eliminating tobacco, alcohol, coffee, black tea and fast foods. Essential nutritional supplements for liver cleansing: NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) is my favorite liver detoxifying supplement as it helps…

  • Digestion,  Women's Health

    Natural Yeast Cleanse Remedies

    These natural yeast cleanse remedies support good hormonal health. See also Candida/Yeast Infections. Symptoms of Candida or Yeast Infection in women include tiredness, irritability, bloating, anxiety and nervousness. There may be vaginal discharge, itching, burning, or even dryness. Some authors claim there are up to two hundred different symptoms. Cleansing Candida comes by creating an environment in the gut that does not support Candida. Using a good probiotic like Nature’s Way Reuteri will help replace friendly bacteria that belong in the gut. Further, you must improve digestion and repair previous damage from yeast. IMPORTANT NUTRITION FOR CANDIDA/YEAST –Many people have used the following combination for short-term control: 5,000 mcg of…