• Children

    Baby Colic Natural Remedies

    Colic for young babies includes painful indigestion. Symptoms of colic include gas, bloating and pain during and after feeding; spitting up may also be a sign of colic. Causes come from feeding baby the wrong type of formula or reaction to something in the formula; also reaction to mother’s milk when the mother is eating the wrong foods or is stressed. Colic also may happen when the child is stressed or is eating solid foods too early. Modern medicine uses acid-reducing medicines for colic which may make the body feel better but may be toxic or disrupt the digestion further. Naturally, the best thing to do is find the cause-usually…

  • Children

    Baby Congestion Natural Remedies

    Nasal congestion in babies interferes with sleeping and feeding, when nasal pathways are blocked. Congestion comes when a nursing mother may have a diet too rich in dairy products or there is too much stress from lack of sleep which affects the quality of mother’s milk. The baby may have allergies to the formula. For baby congestion, most healthcare professionals recommend sucking out the mucus from the nose or using a decongestant if the child is old enough. From the natural perspective, we should look first at the mother’s diet, and help the mother and child to normalize mucus secretions to reduce congestion. Clearing the nose is helpful. A humidifier…