• food allergies natural remedies
    Digestion,  Respiratory

    Food Allergies Natural Remedies

    Food allergies natural remedies can help lessen allergies or sensitivities to particular foods. Many people have been put on a very restrictive diet. A food allergy occurs when the body’s immune system reacts to otherwise harmless substances in certain foods. Allergies to foods may cause you to feel bad, increased mucus in your body or even create life-threatening symptoms. Family history of allergies increases the risk of having allergies. If both your parents have food allergies, you have a 75% chance of having one yourself. Excessive exposure to a particular food also increases chances of allergies; for instance, countries that have rice as a staple have higher rates of rice…

  • acne-rosacea

    Natural Acne Rosacea Remedies

    If you are looking for natural remedies for acne rosacea, you have come to the right place. Facial skin redness or acne rosacea looks like acne in adults. It is fairly common in people 40 – 50 years old. First, symptoms include redness of nose, cheeks, or both; secondly, pimples on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin may appear; and further symptoms include spider veins under the skin, mostly on the cheeks. Please see other articles on teen acne, cystic acne, and other skin articles on our healing common ailments page. Cause of Acne Rosacea Causes of acne rosacea are, says the medical community, allergic reactions or symptoms of stress.…

  • allergies natural remedies

    Natural Remedies for Allergies

    This article explains the uses of natural remedies for allergies. Up to 20% of Americans experience allergies and symptoms, sometimes, several months of the year. If you are having symptoms, try these natural remedies for allergies. Allergies are an inflammatory response to a specific allergen or substance that provokes inflammation. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, watering eyes and can even become as severe as anaphylactic shock. Allergy tendencies are hereditary and may come from a depleted immune system and/or a diet rich in high allergy foods such as dairy, grains, pollution, and animal dander. See also remedies for pet dander, food allergies natural remedies, Dave’s Spring Allergies Class Notes. Modern…

  • hay fever natural remedies

    Hay Fever Natural Remedies

    If you suffer sneezing, itching, or watery eyes, you may need these hay fever natural remedies. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, dust, and chemicals especially at certain times of the year. There is swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. Symptoms of Hay Fever may include sneezing, runny nose, burning eyes, exhaustion, mucus discharges. Hay fever tendencies can be hereditary and symptoms encouraged by a weak immune system. See other articles on Allergies, food allergies, and pet dander allergies. Modern medicine treats hay fever with decongestants and anti-histamines. They may give temporary symptomatic relief,  but offer no long-term improvements. Using hay fever natural remedies, however,…

  • spring allergies class notes

    Spring Allergies Class Notes

    Here’s your free download of Dave’s Spring Allergies Class Notes. Allergies seem to hit people at different times of the year, but most seem to have symptoms starting in the early spring. Some of your comments about symptoms included: “Sinus blockage (can’t breathe correctly) that leads to sinus pressure headache.” – Shawn Marie ‘Itching. I have occasional runny nose and sinus distress, but I itch! My itching is most prevalent when I am outdoors, but I am also drastically allergic to insects, particularly flies. I would love to find a solution so that for once in my life I can enjoy being outdoors.’ – Wendy For a FREE full printable…

  • Respiratory

    Remedies for Pet Dander Allergies

    While more than 70% of families in the United States have pets, approximately ten percent of the population has an allergy to pets. Animal dander, or skin flakes can cause an allergic reactions including sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes or nose. The animal hair itself is not considered to be a very significant allergen, however, the hair or fur may collect pollen, dust, mold, and other allergens. Although a particular animal may produce more or less allergen, there is no relationship between the pet’s hair length and allergen production. These allergies are caused by close proximity to animals and an oversensitive reaction of the immune system. Allergies to animal dander…

  • Children

    Baby Congestion Natural Remedies

    Nasal congestion in babies interferes with sleeping and feeding, when nasal pathways are blocked. Congestion comes when a nursing mother may have a diet too rich in dairy products or there is too much stress from lack of sleep which affects the quality of mother’s milk. The baby may have allergies to the formula. For baby congestion, most healthcare professionals recommend sucking out the mucus from the nose or using a decongestant if the child is old enough. From the natural perspective, we should look first at the mother’s diet, and help the mother and child to normalize mucus secretions to reduce congestion. Clearing the nose is helpful. A humidifier…

  • Digestion

    Celiac Disease Natural Remedies

    Celiac disease comes with symptoms of chronic gas, bloating, indigestion, later immune deficiency, and finally neurological issues. Celiac is seen intestinally as damaged and flattened villi. The culprit seems to be gluten. The diet for celiac is so strict that as little as ten milligrams of gluten affects most sufferers. Celiac disease can also cause migraines and emotional problems. Treatment for celiac disease comes first through a diet eliminating gluten. Steroids may also be prescribed for celiac patients temporarily (hopefully). Paul Bergner describes celiac disease best as a food allergy, not just gluten intolerance, where digestion, nerves, and connective tissues are all affected. One never outgrows a food allergy. Most…

  • Eyes

    Pink Eye(Conjuncitivis) Natural Remedies

    Also known as Pink Eye, conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva or covering over the white of the eye. Causes – bacterial, fungal, or allergic reactions. It can be very contagious. It can be from eyestrain or results of other diseases. Symptoms are sore swollen eyes with puss and mucus discharge that can give the eyes shut in the morning upon waking, sensitivity to light, and dry, burning, redness. Pink eye is often connected with fevers or colds, flu, pneumonia, etc. Medical treatment uses antibiotics for infectious type and may use steroid drops. They have side effects and some may recur as only symptoms are treated. They can’t treat…

  • Skin

    Hives Natural Remedies

    You will find hives natural remedies in this article. Hives can come on sudden or have a gradual onset of blister or welt-like bumps on the skin. Hives may last from a few hours to several weeks. They usually only involve the top layer of the skin which is superficial and usually doesn’t affect deeper organs. It is thought to be a release of toxins to the surface of the body. Hives may also come as an allergic reaction and a release of histamine from mast cells. They are often itchy or painful. The causes of hives most commonly known is from allergies to foods, chemicals plants, or medications. The…