
Near-sighted (Myopia) Eye Natural Remedies

You will find near sighted eye natural remedies in this article. Myopia means poor distant vision. It affects about 30% of people in the Unites States. It happens frequently when children read a lot at a young age. Studies show that those in confined areas develop myopia more often. It is also seen more in those people who use computers or watch television too much.

Treatment usually results in glasses. Contact lenses can cause loss of oxygen and create extra blood veins in the eyes. Lasik surgery is another option but may cause dry eyes.

Use natural treatment to help the vision over a period of time. Eye exercises may be helpful as well as good nutrition. Other ideas include not focusing on the computer or television. Nutritional supplements include a whole-food multi-vitamin by New Chapter for superior absorption.

Natural Healing Protocol — First, choose an herb. Then add a cell salt or cell salt solution. Finally, choose the homeopathic remedy that fits your situation best. Combining supplements will do more to support your body’s ability to function properly than using just one. Your ability to heal will depend on the severity and length of time symptoms have been present.

Herbs for Near-sighted Eyes

Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties.

Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Eyebright – herbal eye support

Butcher’s broom – added to herbal eyebright for peripheral circulation

Gingko biloba – another option for increased circulation, increases memory too

Cell Salts to Help Near-sighted Eyes

To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16- to 24-ounce bottle; fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#1 Calc fluor 6X – reduce tension in nerves of eyes
#9 Nat mur 6X – from dry eyes and intellectual pursuits
#10 Nat phos 6X – to reduce acidity in the eyes

Near-sighted Eye Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies.

Physostigma (#1) – contracted pupils; astigmatism; eye spasms. (Especially in children.)

Phosphorus (#2) – optic nerve and retinal problems including bleeding; photophobia; sensation of sand in eyes.

Pulsatilla (#3) – profuse tearing and feels like sand in the eyes; yellow mucus in eyes; hormonal issues.

Calc fluor – aching in eyes, better closing eyes and pressure on them; connective tissue strength.

Calcarea phos – children with growing pains; squinting; poor lighting makes eyes hurt.

Carbo veg – eyes feel heavy; floaters; painful when looking up; pupils don’t react well with light; bloating, gas, and digestive issues.

Cimicifuga – intense aching in eyeballs; wild look in eyes; throbbing, shooting pains; with hormonal issues and possible migraine headaches; poor vision in low light; sense of gloom, as if there was a black cloud over everything.

Hyoscyamus – vision problems with hormonal or sexual problems.

Jaborandi – pupils contracted, not reactive; eyestrain and pain from close work; smarting pains; eye spasms while reading.

Lycopodium – eyes feel cold, hot or too large; bruised sensation; photophobia (sensitivity to light); goo in eyes at night, tears at night; eyes half open while asleep; weak vision during reading; low self esteem issues. (Also for children.)

Natrum mur – dry eyes or too many tears; photophobia, worse bright light; pain when looking down. (Also for children with headaches.)

Ruta – due to eye strain; headaches with eye strain; pain when reading.

Viola odorata – pain in eyes as if a foreign body under eye lid; itching shooting pains; included with skin problems.