• Men's Health,  Skin,  Women's Health

    Greasy Hair Natural Remedies

    These are greasy hair natural remedies. Excessive oil, or greasy hair can be caused by hormonal issues with men or women with elevated testosterone levels, ovarian problems, etc. it can also be caused by adrenal or thyroid weakness. It can also be caused by dermatitis, a form of scalp irritation. Modern medicine used medicated shampoos which don’t address the cause. The natural perspective on greasy hair shows weakness of various organs, such as hormones, adrenals, and thyroid (endocrine glands). Using natural aids, the problems can be helped. Also don’t use chemical birth control devises. Herbs for Greasy Hair Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties. Sarsaparilla –…

  • Women's Health

    Hair Loss in Women Natural Remedies

    You will find hair loss in women natural remedies in this article. Hair loss in women is usually in the form of androgen alopecia where there is too much testosterone in relation to estrogen. The hair is thinning. Hair loss in women may be due to a weak thyroid. Sometimes women lose hair after childbirth because they don’t lose hair at the normal rate during pregnancy. But after having a baby, women will seem to lose more hair than average; this will calm down after a short time. If this is not the case, hair loss may be due to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). PCOS is excessive androgen causing either…

  • Skin,  Women's Health

    Melasma Natural Remedies

    Try these melasma natural remedies. Melasma is also called cholasma which is a hyper-pigmentation, usually on the face. It is sometimes called the pregnancy mask. Melasma is mostly seen in women. It is a brown discoloration of the skin. Causes of melasma can come from a genetic tendency. During pregnancy it can appear and go away after giving birth. It may also be caused from estrogen-based birth control. Modern medicine considers melasma a cosmetic problem and treats the condition with toxic chemicals or lasers. It does not address underlying causes. Natural remedies for melasma include two perspectives; 1) Chinese medicine considers brown spots of the skin as a liver issue,…

  • Women's Health

    Menopause Natural Remedies

    You will find menopause natural remedies in this article. Menopause for women starts generally between the age of 45 and 50. Sometimes it may start before 40 and last as long as 55. A woman’s period is irregular, becoming less frequent, and will finally leave during this time, or women may have more frequent periods with heavier bleeding. In other cases the period becomes lighter and more watery, often becomes darker with clotty discharges, and can become mucus-like. Also during this time the face grows round, the breasts sag. Others lose weight and severely wrinkle. The face gets more hair. The hair of the head thins, as well as the…

  • Women's Health

    PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) Natural Remedies

    Try these PMS natural remedies to not only relieve symptoms, but for long lasting women’s health. PMS symptoms may occur before or during a woman’s period.Symptoms may include: Weight gain or bloating Moodiness, including anxiety or depression Hormonal headaches Backaches, cramps Breast tenderness Difficulty concentrating or memory loss Loss of interest in usual activities Sugar and food cravings PMS is associated with women’s hormonal health. The menstrual cycle is normally 28 to 30 days long and symptoms often show up a week before menstrual bleeding. Some symptoms may last all month long. Woman may also experience frigidity, the lack of sexual interest. A diet rich in animal fats and fast…

  • Women's Health

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Natural Remedies

    There is hope for hormonal balance with PCOS natural remedies. PCOS affects 1 in 20 U.S. women of childbearing age and 1 in 10 of menopausal women (according to government statistics). PCOS symptoms include facial acne, facial hair growth, hair loss on the head, loss or irregular periods, low voice, and small breasts. It is often associated with obesity. PCOS may include infertility issues, irritability and blood sugar irregularity (insulin resistance or diabetes). Cholesterol levels may be affected. PCOS can look like many other conditions (obesity, hormonal disturbances, infertility). Causes of polycystic ovarian syndrome are usually an imbalance of hormones (androgens) which may affect the rest of the endocrine system.…

  • Women's Health

    Spotting Natural Remedies

    Try these spotting natural remedies. Spotting happens when small amounts of blood escape the vagina between menstrual periods for women between. It is fairly common for girls starting their periods or women going into menopause in their mid-to-late forties. The cause of spotting is a drop in estrogen levels at the time of ovulation; this is the most common cause that we will be working with here. Other causes need to be treated differently and seen by your healthcare professional if the following ideas don’t work. Other causes may include chemical birth control such as the pill, IUD, or other medication. It can also be pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) as…

  • Men's Health,  Women's Health

    UTI,Urinary Tract Infection Natural Remedies

    See, in this article, urinary tract infection natural remedies. A UTI, Urinary Tract Infection, is an inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, or the urethra. Symptoms of UTI include pain, burning or urge to urinate. Causes of UTI may include sensitivity to soaps, poor sanitary conditions, or especially in urinary tract infection in women, from a short urethra. Most urinary tract infections treatments are with antibiotics, which kill both the bad and the good bacteria, which is needed for a healthy environment. If you have chronic urinary tract infections, see a urologist to be sure there is not a serious problems or even a deformity. From the natural perspective, UTI, urinary…

  • Women's Health

    Natural Uterine Prolapse Support

    Try these natural uterine prolapse support remedies. Prolapse of the uterus is when the uterus falls from poor connective tissue (tendons, sinews, etc) health. Sometimes it slips so far down that it reaches into the vagina, and may be seen coming out the body. There are natural alternatives to a hysterectomy. From the natural perspective uterine prolapse is a sign of poor hormonal health or from chemical birth control methods, or could be weakened connective tissue from childbirth or poor nutrition. Symptoms include vaginal pain, vaginal heaviness, pain during sexual intercourse, anal pain or pressure, low back pain, incontinence or difficulty urinating, urinary tract or bladder infections, and excessive vaginal…

  • Women's Health

    Natural Woman’s Libido Support

    These are natural woman’s libido support remedies. A woman’s libido is the desire for sexual intercourse. It is influenced by a woman’s self-worth, how she values her partner, and especially hormonal balance. All three are often needed for a woman to be “interested.” Sometimes, it is only a matter of one of them being out of balance. Frigidity is the lack of sexual desire. Common causes include exhaustion, poor self-esteem, or an unhappy relationship. A significant cause may be hormone imbalance from childbirth, chemical birth control or other hormonal changes. Hormonal imbalances can cause a wide array of symptoms such as excessive bleeding, menstrual cramping, breast tenderness, bloating and more.…