• General Health,  Mental Health

    Dementia Natural Remedies

    You will find dementia natural remedies in this article. Dementia is a lack of mental functioning, especially with memory. It affects language and speech, memory, perception, behaviors, personality changes, thinking, and judgment. Causes of dementia are numerous including thyroid or blood sugar problems, brain tumors, drug intoxication, chronic infections, anemia, depression, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, Lyme disease, B-12 deficiency, medications including some cholesterol lowering drugs, and alcoholism. Dementia starts with forgetfulness and affects tasks, problem solving, losing familiar places or objects can get lost, and with low interest in life. When it gets worse people start forgetting events, reading writing, they have poor judgment, go into social isolation, have confused…

  • Mental Health

    OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Natural Remedies

    You will find ocd natural remedies in this article. OCD is an emotional condition where certain thoughts star for several hours to months and a person can’t get rid of the thoughts, feeling compelled to act on ideas. The causes may come from emotional trauma triggered recently or from the past. This is a person’s particular defense mechanism for stress. Modern medicine treats OCD with drugs that must be used for a lifetime (they create dependency) because they only work to relieve symptoms. They are often used in conjunction with various psychological therapies. Medications will have side effects which leads the sufferer to stop taking them. Results vary. From the…

  • Mental Health

    Natural Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Remedies

    You will find natural seasonal affective disorder remedies in this article. While some are saying, “Tis the season to by Jolly!” in December each year, others dread the winter season. They get depressed, lethargic, have memory and concentration problems, become unmotivated, and have a low libido. These symptoms are all signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Causes of seasonal affective disorder are generally unknown. Chinese Medicine suggests the solution may be soothing and strengthening the kidneys through herbal therapies. Other theories point to melatonin and serotonin depletion. See also depression natural remedies. Ask your doctor about these natural supplements to support your body’s ability to better handle stress. SAMe,…

  • Mental Health

    Stress Natural Remedies

    You will find stress natural remedies in this article. Stress is the body’s response to unreleased emotional tension, along with the inability to create positive energy. Are you having enough fun? Are you laughing enough to know that most problems are short-term and most everything has a solution? Drama gathers stress and must be drained away with creative endeavors without perfectionism and competition. Aerobic exercise also releases stress, especially when done consistently. Causes of Stress: logical thinking without another outlet – people that think too much. Medieval authors wrote that thinking too much caused melancholy (depression); Stress often comes from office jobs when a person does not have another creative…

  • Mental Health

    Stuttering Natural Remedies

    You will find stuttering natural remedies in this article. Also known as stammering, stuttering is when a person can’t speak without repeating words or syllables. It can be worse from stress, anticipation, rears or physical limitations. Causes come from physical or muscular problems or damage; some from strokes. Most often stuttering is an emotional problems created from some stress or abuse. It may be combined with oversensitivity and low self esteem. Medical treatment may vary from prescription anti-depressants, which masks problems, to speech therapy (important) and counseling (very important). From the natural perspective, we find the cause to treat the problem. Stuttering is usually emotional and natural supplements can effectively…