• Muscles

    ALS Natural Remedies

    Look to these ALS natural remedies for support and relief. ALS is a progressive and degenerative disease of the muscles and nervous system. It is a progressive breakdown of the cells of the spinal cord and causes atrophy and loss of muscle function. It affects men (mostly) over the age of 40, averaging 5 of every 100,000 population. Symptoms of ALS include speech hesitancy, foot drop, progressive muscular weakness, progressive muscular deterioration, weakened voice muscles, and speech problems. The symptoms first start by twitching and weakness in the hands and move to the arms. Last stages affect the diaphragm and swallowing. Allopathic medicine offers no help except with some symptom…

  • spring allergies class notes

    Spring Allergies Class Notes

    Here’s your free download of Dave’s Spring Allergies Class Notes. Allergies seem to hit people at different times of the year, but most seem to have symptoms starting in the early spring. Some of your comments about symptoms included: “Sinus blockage (can’t breathe correctly) that leads to sinus pressure headache.” – Shawn Marie ‘Itching. I have occasional runny nose and sinus distress, but I itch! My itching is most prevalent when I am outdoors, but I am also drastically allergic to insects, particularly flies. I would love to find a solution so that for once in my life I can enjoy being outdoors.’ – Wendy For a FREE full printable…

  • Mental Health

    Alzheimer’s Natural Remedies

    Symptoms of Alzheimer’s start when a person forgets names, places, and where they put their keys with personality changes and impulsive behaviors; it progresses to forgetting events recently or in the past; lastly people are not remembered, frustration sets in, doors are left open, the stove is left on, and they can’t remember where they are. It also includes poor judgment. Causes of Alzheimer’s include protein deposits in the brain, heavy metal toxicity, poor nutrition habits, drugs, advanced syphilis, strokes, brain tumors, aluminum poisoning, and amyloidal protein depletion. For Alzheimer’s modern medicine uses several medications with various results and toxic side effects. Then a person is usually institutionalized. Diet –…

  • Women's Health

    Amenorrhea (Lack of Period) Natural Remedies

    Learn these amenorrhea natural remedies. Amenorrhea is the lack of a menstrual period for 3 months in women from the ages of about fifteen to the mid forties. Symptoms include pelvic congestion and a delayed menstrual period. The major cause of amenorrhea is rather simple; it can be attributed to stress, poor diet, or lack of food from an eating disorder (see a professional). It is most often a hormonal imbalance that may be fairly simple to remedy. Medical treatments for often use the birth control pill for lack of periods. It forces the body into action and has side effects such as blood clots and high risks of breast…

  • Joints

    Ankle Problems Natural Remedies

    Loss of strength in one or both of the ankles can cause one to limp or have pain. Here we are talking about non-surgical ankle weakness. Pain or weakness may be in the tendons, ligaments, or joints of the ankle. Common causes include general overall weakness, obesity, over use, injury or repeated injuries. If severe enough surgery may be required for ankle weakness. X-rays or MRIs may verify the problem. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications may slow or stop the healing process and may have side effects and toxicity. Naturally, what you can do is improve circulation in the ankles, reducing inflammation and pain, and maybe lose some weight so…

  • Mental Health,  Women's Health

    Natural Remedies for Anorexia

    In anorexia, it is mostly women who starve themselves for a variety of reasons. It affects up to 2% of the American population. Anorexia often starts at puberty but may begin at any time. It is a modern disorder and can be life threatening. Signs of anorexia Abnormal weight loss Obsession about food Wears baggy clothes Menstrual disorders or loss Fatigue Mood swings hair loss Feels cold Avoids social situations Drug-alcohol problems Obsessive exercising Thyroid problems Serotonin disorders Can’t look in a  mirror Skin problems Heart palpitations Constipation Low blood pressure Depression Causes of anorexia are not always know but could stem from poor self esteem, unrealistic body expectation from…

  • Mental Health

    Natural Remedies for Anxiety

    Anxiety and nervousness are symptoms of your body responding to stress. The medical community has put the name of General Anxiety Disorder or GAD to this. Millions of Americans experience anxiety each day. It helps them deal with a tense situation in the office, or keep focused on an important speech. In general, it helps one cope. But when anxiety and its symptoms are in the forefront of your day, and all of life is affected, it is time to seek help. Symptoms include the mind racing, worry, uneasiness, irritability, headaches, sweating, difficulty concentrating, heart palpitations, tightness of chest, shaking or internal trembling, need for frequent visits to the bathroom,…

  • Joints

    Natural Gout Remedies, Arthritis Associated

    Help yourself with these natural gout remedies. Gout is a associated with arthritis where uric acid creates crystals and builds up in various joints, often most painful in the large toes. Gouty arthritis comes when the body is unable to digest protein, and the kidneys are unable to get rid of uric acid. Uric acid crystals may end up in the joints of the large toe, ankles, knees, and other parts of the body. The causes are often dietary. Remove meats, especially pork and red meat. Tobacco, alcohol and coffee may contribute. Modern medicine uses drugs that help with symptoms but may have toxic side effects. Herbs for Gout Herbs…

  • Joints

    Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis has pain and inflammation of the joints with morning stiffness, joint discoloration, and joint deformation. Causes include a diet rich in animal fats. It may also include an inherited factor. There also may be over toxicity and emotional causes. Western medicine uses cancer drugs, pain relievers and other suppressive drugs. Pain is an indication of an energy blockage (the energy doesn’t move through and organ or system in the way nature intended it. Remove the blockage, and the pain will go away permanently. On the other hand, if joint damage is too far gone the body cannot repair itself. Through the natural remedies pain can be eliminated either…

  • Children,  Respiratory

    Asthma Natural Remedies

    Asthma natural remedies help with this inflammatory condition of the airways that makes it hard to breath. Other symptoms of asthma may include wheezing, shortness of breath, dry irritating cough, and chest tightness. Breathing at night may also be a problem. Causes of asthma are usually a combination of things including allergens like pollution, dust, and smoke; diet, stress, and heredity. There can be emotional factors affecting asthma like guilt or grief. Homeopathy for asthma may help these emotional factors. Many children suffer from asthma.  It is the number one chronic disease affecting children. Modern medicine treats asthma condition with inhalers or other medications for inflammation and opening airways. They…